廖井梅(Liuchengmui) - Advisor
Born in Beijing and received formal arts training, Cheng Mui Liu was graduated in the Affiliated High School of Fine Arts. She then enrolled into The Central Academy of Fine Arts and obtained a scholarship to further her study in the former Russia after one year. In 1996, Cheng Mui graduated with a Master Degree in Arts in Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov and started teaching in the Central Academy of Fine Arts. 2003~2019 Lecturer in the School of Professional and Continuing Education, Hong Kong University; member of the Chinese Artists Association; Her specialities are oil painting and block print. She combines the usage of realism technique and imaginative visual space in her drawings, that results in a fusion of substance and illusion. In the past she has participated in a lot of exhibitions and competitions with distinguished results.
廖井梅 1988年畢業于中央美術學院附中,同年考入中央美術學院,修讀一年後獲文化部獎學金留學前蘇聯。1996年畢業於俄國國立蘇里柯夫美術學院,獲藝術碩士學位。曾任教於北京中央美術學院。中國美術家協會會員。现任教香港大學專業進修學院。擅长 油画 及版画。 2010年,她獲得首屆中國殘疾兒童藝術節優秀指導教師獎。2011年,觀瀾國際版畫雙年展國際版畫獎等。作品收藏於香港藝術馆、香港文化博物馆、江蘇省美術馆、浙江省美術馆、關山月美術馆、哈尔滨藝術宮版畫博物、黑龙江省美術馆、深圳畫院、中國版畫博物馆。